Completing your Landlord Status Prompts allows you to classify your Landlord correctly. These are for office use only and are not seen by the public.
You are able to set up to 5 status prompts each with their own drop down list.
- Select the 'Landlord Status Prompts' option.
- The Lettings department will already be selected however if you have multiple lettings departments please ensure you select the correct one.
- Setup your Status Text. Essentially these are the questions to ask your landlord. Ensure you tick the Enable Status boxes otherwise they will not be displayed on the front end of the system.
- Click “Edit Prompts” to setup the prompts. Essentially the answers you hope to receive from your landlord. We strongly recommend you a prompt called “Not Known” or “I Forgot to Ask” and set it to default. The reason for this is that if a negotiator forgets to ask the question they are not incorrectly classified. (See the Applicant Status Prompts example)
Example: How the Landlord Status Prompts will show in the front end of Expert Agent
This example shows the Landlord Status Prompts on the Landlord form.