Leader Boards is the name given to functionality that lets you track your staff performance against their personal and team targets.
SuperUsers can set up multiple leaderboards for different objectives and different time periods.
For example, you could create a New Instructions Leaderboard for the year or separate Valuation Leaderboards for every month of the year.
Creating New Leaderboards
Creating new leaderboards is a relatively straight forward process by following a few easy steps outlined below:

- Go to Tools – Configuration - Property Configuration - Select the 'Leaderboards' option.
- You have the ability to edit, clone or delete any existing leaderboards. In this example we are going to be focusing on adding new boards.
- Click ‘Add New Leaderboard’

- Enter the new leaderboard name and select the dates you wish to include.
- Save
The form below is displayed:

Enter the details of the Leaderboard - Leaderboard Name, Date Period, Number of Top Performers to include and if you would like it 'Active'.Â
The left hand column shows the items that can included in the leaderboards. Click and drag the required items into the blue section.Â

- Ensure you are on the 'Elements' tab.Â
- You can drag multiple items if necessary. For example, Valuations Done and New instructions might feature on the same leaderboard.
- Once the items you want appear are displaying in the blue section, just click on them to set up various options:

- Ensure you are on the 'Elements' tab
- Choose the required department. In this example, we’re looking at sales so we’ll only want the Residential Sales department ticked.
- Rename the title of the element if needed.
- Score multiplier is only used if you’ve dragged multiple elements onto your leaderboard and want to give each a different weighting. So, for example, when designing all this, we worked with one customer that sets a single negotiator leaderboard for each month. Valuations get 5 points, viewings get 2 points, instructions get 10 points, sales get 10 points. If John, the negotiator does one of each in May, he’d get 5 points for the valuation +2 points for the viewing +10 points for the instruction +10 points for the sale = 27 points. By comparison, Jim his colleague, did exactly the same except he sold 2 properties so he scored 5+2+10+ (10 points for each of his two sales) =37 points.
- The default target goes in here – in points. So, if the sales multiplier is 1 and the target is 3, put 3 in default target. In turn, if the target is 3 and the multiplier is 4 (4 points per sale), put 12 in here. When you add your negotiators into the leader board (see below), they will be set up with the default target but you can then change this for each of them (see below).
- Metric – confused already? Go back and read the 3 points above. Happy? Right – metric allows you to measure something other than just the number of units for each element. If you click the dropdown, you’ll the image below.
- Delete the element if needed.

‘Count’ is straightforward – that’s the number of units – sales in our example. The two Value ones are based on numeric price and the fee comes from the fee field. So, if your target is £5,000 total pipeline fee, choose it. Be aware though that even with the multiplier set to 1, that’s 5000 points so if you want to show valuations or instructions on the same board, you’d need each one to be worth at least 1000 points.
If you are still confused, only show one element per leader board, leave multiplier set to one and leave metric set to count.Â
When ready, click the Negotiators tab at the top of the form and choose the people you want to feature in your leaderboard as below:

1.Select the ‘Negotiators’ tab
2.Select the negotiators you wish to include in this leaderboard
3.The selected negotiators will display in a list
4.Click the arrow next to each user to set up their personal targets. If you leave the Use Default tick box set, you will not be able to set an individual target – the default from the element setup will be applied.
5.When finished, click Save
Editing and Cloning Leader Boards
If you would like to Edit or clone a leaderboard simply go to Tools>Configuration>Property Configuration.

- Select the Leaderboards option
- You will see the ‘Edit/ Clone/ Delete’ options.  Clone allows you to copy a Leaderboard format into a new Leaderboard. This will get used a lot – you will probably want to set up copies of each leaderboard for every month or every quarter. So, set up your August Sales Leaderboard and use the clone option to create the September, October and November etc. Sales Leaderboards.
- Set the correct leaderboard name and period.
- Save
Once a month has passed, remove the active tick and the leaderboard will no longer show on the Expert Agent homepage.
Working with Leader Boards
Leaderboards are visible in two places within Expert Agent.
- Home Page – as a home page pod that must be switched on by each user
- Leaderboard Reporting Option under Tools - ReportingÂ
Home Page Leader Board PodÂ
To set this up, you need to access your staff profile which is held under the Tools option in the Expert Agent Top Menu.

- Choose 'Configure HomePage'.Â
- Scroll to the bottom of the list and tick 'Leaderboards'.
- Save
The Leaderboard pod opens up on the home page. You might want to resize it or drag it to a different position.Â

The black dots reflect the number of pages / Leaderboards there are – use them to track forward and back through your Leaderboards.
Leader Board Reporting Option
The Leaderboard Reporting option is slightly more powerful as it gives the ability to click through to the records that make up the Leaderboard.

To access this go to Tools – Reporting - Leaderboards

- Choose your required Leaderboard
- The results are shown in the format result / target. Click the underlined link to see the data used to make this up. This action will direct you to the property grid.
- Click ‘Graph’ to see a visual format as shown below: Clicking the options button in the top right corner gives several save options. Use these to insert the graphs into your documents as required.