A good example of a situation in which there would be the need to run a batch match would be if you identified a group of people or properties from your quick links that needed matching out – the best example of this would be applicants that have never been matched, flagged up by the “Never Been Matched” quick link.
Matching Applicants who have 'Never Been Matched'
Make sure you have your 'Never Been Matched' quick link enabled on your right tool bar or applicant dashboard, choosing from the 'My', 'Office' or 'Group' version as relevant:
You can click on the arrows in the blue square to show a list of the applicants, but by clicking the Quick Link you can open the applicant grid with the applicants who have never been matched, ready for you to run a batch match.
Your match results will now be ready to process from the management tool Outstanding Matches held under the Applicants drop down in the Top Menu.
Other examples of when you may wish to run a batch match include processing your applicant ‘Hot List’ or your applicants ‘not contacted in the last fortnight,’ and so on. All of these are examples of applicant quick links. You can also run a Batch Match from your list of "New Instructions" available from the Quick Statistics pod on your Property Dashboard.