If we’re doing you a new site, you just sign our form and we’ll put it live.
If others are updating or creating a site, you'll need to tell them to put the site live when you are ready. You need to be aware that this can have a lag time attached to it depending on the way it is done. Often, a new site is visible to some site visitors and not to others – depending on the ISP used to connect to the internet. This is because ISPs keep local copies of the site in a “cache” – this means that if you try to access NASA via BT Internet, you’ll see BT Internet’s cached copies of pages that don’t change very often. How often they update depends on a setting called TTL (‘Time to Live’) on your web hosting account. Don’t panic for 24 hours – this is quite normal. If, after 24 hours, you still can’t see the new site on every connection it is time to start talking to your hosting company.