Offers are a separate "entity" - a separate form that sits between and connected to an applicant and property record.
You can get to an existing offer in a whole variety of ways. Â
From an Applicant or Property Record
Each has an Offers tab which displays an Offers Mini Grid. Just click on the required offer and it will open in a new page tab
Quick Search at the Top Menu
Offers Dashboard
The Offer Dashboard shows a quick snapshot of Offers activity.Â
 Offers Grid
The Offer Grid works in the same way as all others - shown here with the menu - accessed by Right Clicking. Normal Grid Rules apply - see Dashboards, Grids and Forms. Don't forget that you can save your own criteria into quick links - see Right Tool Bar (Quick Links)
Right Hand Toolbar
Toggle this on and off using the arrow (1) in the top right hand corner. Edit the required QuickLinks (2) and click on one to open the appropriate offer records in a grid. Don't forget that you can save your own quick links - see Right Tool Bar (Quick Links)
The Offer Action Menu
The options on the Offers Action Menu are as below:
Save - saves any changes made to the record.
Save and Flag - saves any changes to the record and flags the record in red in your Navigation History.
Revert - acts like an 'undo' button.
Change Negotiator - allows you to change the negotiator assigned to the offer record.
Change Branch - allows you to change the negotiator assigned to the offer record.
Statutory Confirmation - allows you to change the offer status to confirmed when you have confirmed with the vendor the offer that has been made.
Change Status - opens a list of various status options - these will be explained in more detail in the Offers Workflow section. The 'Manual Status Change' option opens a list of every status option available regardless of where you are in the process.
Reprint Invoice - would allow you to re-print the invoice for the commission, provided you have exchanged the offer and applied the charge.
Change Offer Amount - as negotiations take place, use this option to record any changes in the offer value.
Send SMS - opens a blank box for you to free-type a SMS message to send.
Chain Details - opens the visual sales chain progression.
Last Contact - allows you to update contact dates and record notes after a conversation.
Create a Letter / E-Mail - this will open your template grid.
Quick Message - this allows you to send a quick message to a colleague with this record assigned.
Add Sticky Note  - allows you to add a sticky note to the offer.