There are a number of different ways you can let people know about your new Facebook page. Click 'Build Audience' at the top of the page and these will be listed:
Invite Friends
Clicking on 'Invite Friends' will take you to a list of your friends with the option to invite them to like the page. This will be the friends associated with the account you are logged in as (most likely your personal account).
Import Contacts
There are various options available when you click on 'Import Contacts':
The most commonly used option we find is the top option - 'Upload contact list file'. We can give you a comma separated list of all of your vendors, applicants, lawyers, contractors etc. stored in Expert Agent with their email addresses for you to upload should you wish to. If you'd like a list, please log a support ticket.
Promote Page
Clicking on 'Promote Page' will take you to a similar looking screen to the one seen earlier in the set up wizard - allowing you to spend a certain amount of money per day on having Facebook promote your page to encourage likes:
There will be a preview pane on the left hand side of the screen so you can see what your ad would look like on various devices. On the right are options to configure your ad - your budget, whether the ad displays continuously or you specify a time frame, and so on.
Promote Website
This works in much a similar way to 'Promote Page' however directs traffic to your website as opposed to your Facebook page.