Expert Agent has very clever and very comprehensive offer and sales progression tools.
You'll use them to record offers along with all of their associated information (solicitors, financial services providers etc), process your offer workflow (letters, emails, board changes, updating portals and websites etc) and then progressing them through to completion (or fall-through / cancellation) via events, chase-ups, reminders, target dates etc.
We allow for the difference between the way offers are processed in England & Wales and the way Notes of Interest and Offers are processed in Scotland.
With the launch of Expert Agent Touch in September 2014, we have added a Visual Sales Progression Tool and a Visual Chain tool to allow you to progress complex chains as one entity rather than separate unconnected offers.
This module covers everything you need to know about Offers, Notes of Interest (Scotland Only) and Sales Progression.
It all starts by making an offer! (or recording a Note of Interest)
Recording a Note of Interest (Scotland)
     Setting up Visual Sales & Chain Progression
      Confirming your Offer
      Accepting an Offer
      Changing the Offer Amount
      Sales Progression
      Exchange & Invoice
      Mark as Complete
      Property Invoices
     Accounting for Sales Properties
What is the difference between Cancel Sale and Refuse Offer?