The easiest way to keep track of inspections that are due is to have the ‘next inspection due’ quick link set up on your tenancy dashboard or right tool bar.
When you need to book an inspection, you can go into the tenancy in question, right click and select “Book Inspection” which will open the diary for you, or you can go straight to the diary.
1. Highlight the slot in the diary you’d like to book the appointment for, right click and select ‘Property Inspection’ from the list. The standard appointment details form opens:
2. Check the appointment start and end times are correct, if you need to change the date or the times then simply click the relevant symbol.
3. Add notes if applicable.
4. Assign the tenancy to the appointment – there’s no need to also assign the property.
5. Click the save icon. If you wanted to perform other actions such as send out confirmation letters, you would use the menu icon next to the save button to open up a list of options.